Industrial Touch Monitor

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Sihovision's waterproof touchscreen monitors are built with highly durable industrial-grade LCD touchscreens, which are more resilient than consumer touchscreen monitor.

Our waterproof monitors give you a better ROI than off-the-shelf displays put into makeshift waterproof enclosures. Confidently place these units into marine, clean rooms, outdoors, food processing, manufacturing, or military environments.

Features like a stainless steel housing and extra tough touchscreen glass are specifically designed to provide maximum endurance in the midst of harsh chemicals, vibrations and airborne particles.Contact us for more details.

Why use waterproof touch screen monitor?

For marine, military, and industrial purposes, where the most rugged technology is typically required, waterproof touchscreen computers are commonly used. Waterproof touch screen monitor monitors are a premier technological solution, allowing for ease of use in a range of outdoor environments. Traditional monitors available to consumers do not have the ruggedness or capability to be used in many industrial applications or harsh outdoor environments, making more advanced solutions a necessity.

For industrial purposes, computers often have to be used for very specific and demanding purposes, which means they require simpler designs and greater ease of use. Water-resistant touchscreens minimize the need for computer accessories, increase functionality, and can be used in a wider variety of applications.

There are other features common with these touchscreen PCs, including being dustproof- and waterproof-sealed, possessing a rugged chassis frame, and sunlight readability, among others. There are many different monitors available for varying purposes and applications.

If you have any question on our waterproof touch screen monitor, welcome to contact us.

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